Friday, August 27, 2010

Letter to A Friend



Dear friend,

I have sumthing to say and i think a letter is d best medium that i can convey it. You're my friend and i feel responsible to say whatever i'll b saying here. This has got sumthing to do with ur reaction to the news report of the stoning of the adulterous afghan couple. The reason im writing this to u right now is that i dun want u - my fren - to hav a misled view on my faith, Islam. I wont force u to read tis to the end, but it wld be awesome if u can do so. oh, i do have to say tat im not an expert in d knowledge of Islam, so i can only explain just as far as i can, so that hopefully u can understand just a liiiiitle better about my faith.

Firstly, i did not read the report you were reading on tat paper. i js googled the news and tis is the link tat i found . i'll just assume tat the report of that paper is quite d same (but i do think that different media do report in different voice, of course). so, according to the report on that link, the taliban was witnessed responsible for that. now, i do have to say that i dunno how they run the law in afghanistan. but it is stated that what the taliban did was not in line wit afghan's judiciary system. im just gonna quote another line, "Even in Islam this [stoning] has to be done through proper judicial systems". i do think tat d stoning part was not done accordingly s well.

One thing about taliban, is that they can b extreme in doing stuff. for example, they make it wajib (compulsory) for men to grow beard when it is only a sunnah (recommended/encouraged deeds). it is so much easier for me (and for u too if you're reading this) if i can just blame taliban and end this letter here. the problem is, along with the name 'Taliban', they affect the image of Islam potrayed to the world. so, that's wats im concerned about.

If u ask me, surely i wouldn't wanna witness any human being (in fact, any being) being stoned to death. any human with the capacity to reason wloudn't wanna see tat. here, im js gonna explain, in my understanding n view (of d concept of laws in Islam) about d law n d relevance of it even in this modern world. the word Islam can b translated into = peace, purity, submission and obedience. before i can accept tat definition, i would wanna question how can ever sumthing so gory as stoning people to death can b related to peace? i have to explain this in a more general context (i can't explain it like im explaining tis to another muslim).

A lot of scholars explain tat the benefit of having these laws correctly implemented is that it forms a form of protection for people from bad things. if we can try to think, were criminals readily bad people when they were born into this world as babies? i would answer no, dont think so. it is only that later in life, they grew up and become bad ppl. so, logically ther cant be people that's originally bad/evil. a theory tat i can come out with on how ppl grow up and become bad is that probably they didn't get enuff love from the family. and when they've bcome bad, they can influence other people and it can be contagious. and why was ther not enuff love? a simple logical guess would be cuz the family is broken family.

So, back to d law. the law is there to protect families from being broken. of course, ther's no guarantee that all families that's not broken are happy all d time, life's not a fairy tale. but can we imagine living a life not knowing who our father (or parents) is cuz we were abandoned just a few hours after birth (or probably at the moment of conception)? imagine not having (or knowing) one or both parents during a wedding or convocation, etc when most ppl have both of their parents there. tats not awesome at all. and back to the punishment of stoning, the stoning of a convict is only done towards married ppl (that's somone's husband/wife/dad/mum screwing somebody else). for the unmarried ones, the punishment is caning. and both of that punishment are to be done after they've been proven guilty. just to imagine (let alone witnessing) a person being stoned to death, no one (even the strongest man on earth or any pornstar) would wanna go through that. hence, lessening (or preventing) people from fornicating or being adulterous, which can lead to the breaking of families.

Just like the universe and its contents, if really it is meant to be so random and coincidental, y does it persistently abide the many laws of physics?

I think i've explaind just enuff. thanx 4 ur time =)



Wallahu a'lam (God knows best)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pendirian Lalang

baru-baru ni, aku tulis sesuatu, berbaur sindiran:

aku lalang,

angin tiup, huyung-hayang,

ikut saja; senang,

ayuh minum,

aku minum,

ayuh main,

aku main,

ayuh hisap,

aku hisap,

hidup aku susah,

kau tak faham,


aku tenang,

aku hebat,

aku hebat,

aku hebat, bukan?

selang beberapa hari, aku terbaca artikel di majalah Solusi isu 21 yang berkait dengan lalang, sebab lalang tu tanaman.
ada satu hadis dalam artikel tu mengaitkan mukmin dan tanaman.

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud:

"Perumpamaan orang mukmin adalah seperti tanaman yang selalu digoncang angin. (begitu juga) orang mukmin selalu diduga dengan pelbagai dugaan dan cubaan"

(hadis riwayat al-Tirmizi)

Hadis ini menggambarkan bagaimana teguhnya keimanan orang mukmin yang sentiasa sabar dalam menghadapi dugaan dan cabaran dalam kehidupan ini.
Hadis ini juga menunjukkan bahawa orang mukmin yang sebenar sentiasa diuji dengan pelbagai ujian yang berat.

secara hakiki, lalang tetap lalang.

tanaman tetap tanaman.

lemah atau kuat, terpulang cara kau pandang.

seperti juga pendirian, kuat atau lemah,

betul atau neutral atau salah.

لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللّهُ نَفْسًا إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا

"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. ..."

(Al-Baqarah 2:286)

jangan mengalah,
jangan pernah mengalah.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lima Satu : Lima Enam

kenapa kita di sini,
kenapa kita tercipta.

"Dan (ingatlah) Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka menyembah dan beribadat kepadaKu" (Az-Zariya 51:56)