Monday, November 15, 2010

Bila? Bagaimana?

Beberapa hari lepas, seorang perempuan tua meninggal dunia. Umurnya awal 80-an.

Ketika dia pergi, dia keseorangan.
Si ibu tua menghembus nafas terakhir di rumah anak yang mengambil giliran menjaganya.
Si anak keluar sebentar untuk ke kedai.
Si ibu tua memanggil-manggil cucu, barangkali ingin meminta sesuatu, atau mungkin untuk mengadu.
Sangka cucu, panggilan yang seperti biasa, tak ada apa-apa yang kritikal sangat.
Panggilan nenek tidak diendahkan.

Suatu tempoh senyap.

Disangka si ibu tua tertidur.
Tapi kali ni nampak tidurnya lain sedikit.
Doktor dipanggil.
Hanya akhirnya doktor mengesahkan kematian.
Sakit tua.

Sesungguhnya segala-gala adalah milik Allah dan kepada-Nya kita kembali


Bilakah masaku?
Di mana?



Terbaca petikan artikel majalah Solusi isu 25:

'...jadikanlah dunia umpama jambatan yang kita lalui. pastikan ia teguh, kukuh... tetapi bukan untuk berlama-lama di situ... ia hanya jambatan. tidak ada orang yang membina rumah di atas jambatan. rumah kita yang hakiki adalah di dalam syurga...'

Banyak sekali lagu-lagu cinta meluahkan segala janji setia, menunggu di pintu syurga.

Soalannya, berapa pasti dapat sampai ke pintu syurga?

Aku sering lalai.

Aku ingin mati dalam cinta yang benar.

Amin, Ya Rabb...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Time Crisis is So Real

In September 2010, Microsoft's first-person shooter game "HALO: Reach" was launched and its 1st day sales in the United States alone recorded a whopping USD 200 million. while the developer of that game celebrates its success, the rest of the gaming industry is facing a huge concern.

the problem with such blockbuster game is that, gamers really enjoy playing that one game, they tend to stick to that game for quite some time to the point of not needing to purchase another game for months. this will create a drop in sales of the other game titles launched after that.

this problem can be related to the economic term ‘opportunity cost’. a simple definition of opportunity cost is; the cost of passing up the next best choice when making a decision. any gamer only has a certain amount hours each day to spend on playing games. he will have to decide which game that will give him the most enjoyment and satisfaction. after the decision is made, he plays that game at the expense of not playing the other games in that period. in the case of a really awesome game, people really enjoy the benefit (read: fun) of playing that game, that they do not mind sacrificing the experience of playing another game.

Like any other activity (or inactivity) that we do everyday, we are doing it at the cost of the the next best alternative activity (and its benefits).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dawn Sky (a haiku)

Cloudless dawn sky
I saw massive white dots
Praise be to Allah

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Allah: The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful, The Most Just

The Islamic calendar, or Hijri calendar is a purely lunar calendar.

For some obvious reasons, it differs from the Gregorian calendar; the internationally accepted civil calendar.

Hijri calendar concurs with the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. A complete Hijri year is the period of 12 orbits of the Moon around the Earth.

On the other hand, Gregorian calendar concurs with the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. A complete Greagorian year is the period of an orbit of the Earth around the Sun (more specifically, the time between vernal equinoxes).

Due to this difference, a Hijri calendar is not synchronised with the four seasons, unlike the Gregorian calendar. Every year, a Hijri date drifts 10 to 12 days from the Gregorian calendar. Seasonal relation to Hijri calendar repeats about every 33 years.

Muslims are commanded to fast (the 4th pillar of Islam) in the month of Ramadhan (the 9th month).

A simple description of a fast is to abstain from food, drink and sinful deeds from dawn to sunset.

This also means that, in a given year, if Ramadhan falls in winter or summer, people in the northern hemisphere observe a different fasting period from those in the southern hemisphere, due to the difference in the total hours of daytime.

For example, in a given year, if Ramadhan falls in June, it is summer in the United Kingdom, but winter in New Zealand. People living in the UK will experience a longer daily fasting period than those living in New Zealand. Unfair? Not really.

Remember that each year, a Hijri date drifts 10 to 12 days in relation to Earth's seasons. In the long run, there will be a year when Ramadhan falls during winter in the UK, and summer in the New Zealand!

Truly, Allah is The Most Just.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Letter to A Friend



Dear friend,

I have sumthing to say and i think a letter is d best medium that i can convey it. You're my friend and i feel responsible to say whatever i'll b saying here. This has got sumthing to do with ur reaction to the news report of the stoning of the adulterous afghan couple. The reason im writing this to u right now is that i dun want u - my fren - to hav a misled view on my faith, Islam. I wont force u to read tis to the end, but it wld be awesome if u can do so. oh, i do have to say tat im not an expert in d knowledge of Islam, so i can only explain just as far as i can, so that hopefully u can understand just a liiiiitle better about my faith.

Firstly, i did not read the report you were reading on tat paper. i js googled the news and tis is the link tat i found . i'll just assume tat the report of that paper is quite d same (but i do think that different media do report in different voice, of course). so, according to the report on that link, the taliban was witnessed responsible for that. now, i do have to say that i dunno how they run the law in afghanistan. but it is stated that what the taliban did was not in line wit afghan's judiciary system. im just gonna quote another line, "Even in Islam this [stoning] has to be done through proper judicial systems". i do think tat d stoning part was not done accordingly s well.

One thing about taliban, is that they can b extreme in doing stuff. for example, they make it wajib (compulsory) for men to grow beard when it is only a sunnah (recommended/encouraged deeds). it is so much easier for me (and for u too if you're reading this) if i can just blame taliban and end this letter here. the problem is, along with the name 'Taliban', they affect the image of Islam potrayed to the world. so, that's wats im concerned about.

If u ask me, surely i wouldn't wanna witness any human being (in fact, any being) being stoned to death. any human with the capacity to reason wloudn't wanna see tat. here, im js gonna explain, in my understanding n view (of d concept of laws in Islam) about d law n d relevance of it even in this modern world. the word Islam can b translated into = peace, purity, submission and obedience. before i can accept tat definition, i would wanna question how can ever sumthing so gory as stoning people to death can b related to peace? i have to explain this in a more general context (i can't explain it like im explaining tis to another muslim).

A lot of scholars explain tat the benefit of having these laws correctly implemented is that it forms a form of protection for people from bad things. if we can try to think, were criminals readily bad people when they were born into this world as babies? i would answer no, dont think so. it is only that later in life, they grew up and become bad ppl. so, logically ther cant be people that's originally bad/evil. a theory tat i can come out with on how ppl grow up and become bad is that probably they didn't get enuff love from the family. and when they've bcome bad, they can influence other people and it can be contagious. and why was ther not enuff love? a simple logical guess would be cuz the family is broken family.

So, back to d law. the law is there to protect families from being broken. of course, ther's no guarantee that all families that's not broken are happy all d time, life's not a fairy tale. but can we imagine living a life not knowing who our father (or parents) is cuz we were abandoned just a few hours after birth (or probably at the moment of conception)? imagine not having (or knowing) one or both parents during a wedding or convocation, etc when most ppl have both of their parents there. tats not awesome at all. and back to the punishment of stoning, the stoning of a convict is only done towards married ppl (that's somone's husband/wife/dad/mum screwing somebody else). for the unmarried ones, the punishment is caning. and both of that punishment are to be done after they've been proven guilty. just to imagine (let alone witnessing) a person being stoned to death, no one (even the strongest man on earth or any pornstar) would wanna go through that. hence, lessening (or preventing) people from fornicating or being adulterous, which can lead to the breaking of families.

Just like the universe and its contents, if really it is meant to be so random and coincidental, y does it persistently abide the many laws of physics?

I think i've explaind just enuff. thanx 4 ur time =)



Wallahu a'lam (God knows best)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pendirian Lalang

baru-baru ni, aku tulis sesuatu, berbaur sindiran:

aku lalang,

angin tiup, huyung-hayang,

ikut saja; senang,

ayuh minum,

aku minum,

ayuh main,

aku main,

ayuh hisap,

aku hisap,

hidup aku susah,

kau tak faham,


aku tenang,

aku hebat,

aku hebat,

aku hebat, bukan?

selang beberapa hari, aku terbaca artikel di majalah Solusi isu 21 yang berkait dengan lalang, sebab lalang tu tanaman.
ada satu hadis dalam artikel tu mengaitkan mukmin dan tanaman.

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud:

"Perumpamaan orang mukmin adalah seperti tanaman yang selalu digoncang angin. (begitu juga) orang mukmin selalu diduga dengan pelbagai dugaan dan cubaan"

(hadis riwayat al-Tirmizi)

Hadis ini menggambarkan bagaimana teguhnya keimanan orang mukmin yang sentiasa sabar dalam menghadapi dugaan dan cabaran dalam kehidupan ini.
Hadis ini juga menunjukkan bahawa orang mukmin yang sebenar sentiasa diuji dengan pelbagai ujian yang berat.

secara hakiki, lalang tetap lalang.

tanaman tetap tanaman.

lemah atau kuat, terpulang cara kau pandang.

seperti juga pendirian, kuat atau lemah,

betul atau neutral atau salah.

لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللّهُ نَفْسًا إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا

"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. ..."

(Al-Baqarah 2:286)

jangan mengalah,
jangan pernah mengalah.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lima Satu : Lima Enam

kenapa kita di sini,
kenapa kita tercipta.

"Dan (ingatlah) Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka menyembah dan beribadat kepadaKu" (Az-Zariya 51:56)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Despite its impossibility, for some reasons, sometimes we wish that we could turn back time. Probably to set sumthing right or to go through the good old days once more. We know this is impossible, but we enjoy the idea of it in fictions like Doraemon or Back to The Future. It would be great if one day, a time travelling machine like the ones in those fictions become a reality. But even if there will be a time travelling machine, travelling into past is still impossible (logically, at least).

This is explained by the Grandfather Paradox. Stephen Hawking has a simpler version which is called the Mad Scientist Paradox.

This is how it goes. Say there's a scientist named Bill. After going through a very difficult research and development, he has constructed the first ever time machine in history, untested. The furthest that he can travel back into time is 5 minutes in the past. Since he is labelled a mad scientist, his experiment had to be a mad one, to defend his reputation. So, with a sword, Bill travel through time and met his 5-minutes-ago-self in the same room. Quickly, he stabbed his past-self with the sword through the chest. After a few moment of agony, past-Bill dies.

Now, the question is: Is that possible? If past-Bill was murdered before the future-Bill commit the murder, then who did the kill? So, logically (at least), this is not allowed. Therefore, travelling back into time is not quite possible.

Now, we can appreciate that everything that happens to anything physical abides a certain rule which doesn't allow them to go backwards in time, insyaAllah (if God wills it). Everything physical - us included - abides the rule of cause and effect, action and reaction, insyaAllah.

Do nothing, we are still travelling into the future. The present is the result of the happennings in the past. What happens now will have an effect to what's coming in the future; and we go through present only once. InsyaAllah...

By the time,

Verily Man is in loss,

Except such as have Faith,

and do righteous deeds,

and (join together)

in the mutual teaching of


and of Patience

and Constancy.

(Al-'Asr 103:1-3)


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Diri, Pendirian

hari ni hari ahad. bagi sesetengah orang, hari ahad tu hari ketujuh dalam seminggu. mungkin sebab bagi mereka, hari ahad tu terletak pada hujung minggu. jadi, bagi mereka, hari ahad tu lebih sinonim dengan hari yang akhir dalam seminggu.

bagi aku, aku suka untuk menerima hari ahad tu sebagai hari pertama, sesuai dengan namanya. sebabnya, hari-hari dalam bahasa melayu tu asal-usulnye dari bahasa arab. wahid-ithnani-thalatha, satu-dua-tiga. jadi, hari ahad, hari pertama.

hari ni hari ahad. hari ni aku nak tulis pasal aku; subjek penulisan yang aku memang berniat nak elak kat laman blog ni. kenapa aku nak elak tulis pasal aku, padahal ni blog aku? sebabnye, mungkin aku masih lagi keliru tentang peranan blog peribadi. asalnye adalah dari perkataan web log. log boleh dimaksudkan dengan jurnal, atau diari. nah, sepatutnya semudah itu nak merungkai peranan blog; fungsinya seperti sebuah jurnal, apa saja entri yang memberi makna, dirakam. ramai saja di luar sana yang menjadikan blog peribadi mereka seperti diari. sebenarnye, hal itu yang buat aku jadi keliru. bukankah diari itu sifatnya peribadi, untuk diri, mungkin juga untuk mereka yang dipercayai. jadi kenapa ada yang jadikan blog seakan diari? dua hal yang saling bertentangan; diari dan laman sawang, peribadi dan capaian umum.




(penulisan entri ni dah terpisah. semalam tak sempat dihabiskan. ada keutamaan yang lebih penting; melawat adik di UiTM Melaka bersama ibu dan adik-adik)

hari ni hari isnin. tak sampai setengah hari yang lepas, pasukan sepanyol baru saja menang piala dunia. tahniah buat pasukan sepanyol. tahniah buat yang gembira atas kemenangan sepanyol.
hal yang aku keliru tentang blog masih ada. tapi tu tak menjadi masalah, sebab kekeliruan tu tak menjadi masalah besar kalau tak dibahaskan pun. laman blog boleh saja digunakan untuk apa sahaja tujuan.

kalau nak dikaitkan dengan benda lain, aku terfikirkan tentang jambatan di lebuh raya. tujuan asalnye nak hubungkan dua daratan yang terputus. tapi bile diamati balik, skarang ni jambatan pun boleh jadi papan iklan. tak kisah la iklan besar kat sisi jambatan, atau iklan tayar pancit bermodalkan cat sembur dan templat. ada saja jambatan yang dibina sebelum digunakan sebagai jambatan. tak rugi sepenuhnya kalaupun jambatan tu tak berfungsi sebagai jambatan pun. biarlah apa saja tujuan dan harapan sesiapa atas tulisan mereka dalam blog mereka. biarlah ada yang meluahkan hal-hal peribadi, atau separa peribadi, atau berkongsi ilmu, atau membebel-bebel seperti ini. sebab, apa pun, setiap kita punya pilihan. pilihan untuk menulis, pilihan untuk membaca, pilihan untuk menjadikan blog sebagai mesin masa ke masa depan selepas jasad dan jiwa telah terpisah, pilihan untuk melakukan apa saja yang mungkin dalam batas ruang dan masa. bebas.

tentang bebas,

kurang dari seminggu yang lepas,

aku dengar segmen motivasi pagi di radio dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja. bicaranya berkait tentang kebebasan. inti yang aku dapati bermakna dalam segmen pagi tu ada dua:-

1 - sedar bahawa diri punya kebebasan
2 - kawalan atas kebebasan itu, perlu

dalam hidup yang (insyaAllah) sentiasa mematuhi peraturan sebab dan akibat, dua hal tadi sangat relevan. keputusan kita atas segala tingkah laku akan dipertanggungjawabkan kepada kita. teringat satu perbualan santai dengan teman bilik beberapa tahun lepas. aku tiba-tiba ditanya tentang pendapatku tentang freedom of speech. dalam borak-borak itu, temanku berpendapat freedom of speech akan akhirnya menghancurkan diri. pendapatnya berasas. benar, tanpa pegangan, manusia mudah menurut nafsu. dan nafsu itu bukan akal. kalau pilihan yang dibuat terus-menerus sepenuhnya didorong nafsu, pilihan-pilihan itu bukan lagi pilihan yang berakal.
di situlah kepentingan pegangan, kerana pegangan mendorong kawalan ke atas kebebasan.

أَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَهَهُ هَوَاهُ أَفَأَنتَ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِ وَكِيلًا

Nampakkah (wahai Muhammad) keburukan keadaan orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya: tuhan yang dipuja lagi ditaati? Maka dapatkah engkau menjadi pengawas yang menjaganya jangan sesat?
(Al-Furqan 25:43)

pesan ustaz itu juga. walau sejauh mana kita bebas dan dapat membebaskan diri dari segala apa, tak mungkin kita dapat bebas dari memerlukan pertolongan. kita tak mungkin dapat hidup sendiri. kalaupun sepanjang hidup, ada orang yang tidak perlukan bantuan dalam melakukan segala apa, dia masih memerlukan seseorang untuk memotong tali pusat ketika dilahirkan. dia juga tak mampu untuk menguruskan jenazahnya sendiri selepas dia mati. jadi tak perlu ada rasa sombong sesama kita, kerana kita memang saling memerlukan.

kurang dari seminggu yang lepas,

ulang tahun kelahiran aku. macam-macam boleh terjadi pada hari-hari ulang tahun. apa saja; kesedihan, kegembiraan, kenikmatan, musibah, atau sesuatu yang menakjubkan. apa saja boleh ditafsirkan sebagai sesuatu yang menakjubkan menurut kacamata dan sudut pandang masing-masing. sebab kita bebas untuk memilih sudut pandang dan kacamata. aku juga bebas untuk memilih sekiranya untuk ulangtahun kali ini aku mahukan kenderaan selaju cahaya, atau jongkong-jongkong emas seberat tiga tan, atau kasih sayang dan keikhlasan dari semua. aku juga bebas untuk memilih dan merasai andai ulang tahun kelahiranku, sesuatu yang menakjubkan.

seperti iniesta,
yang mempunyai kebebasan di atas padang,
dan mempunyai kawalan,
menjaringkan gol,
membawa pasukan sepanyol menjadi juara dunia.

baginya, itu sesuatu yang menakjubkan.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'd Rather Have Some Lamb Shawarma

To move a car, the wheels need to be rotated. fuel is burnt in the engine, and through gears and shafts, motion is transferred from the pistons to finally rotate the wheels.

We have learnt in school (in most cases) solids expand when exposed to heat. so does metal - in which engines are made of.

Let's have a short and simple revision on how does an engine convert energy in fuel into rotational motion.

Fuel is burnt/combusted in succession and that will result in the up and down movement of the pistons. this linear motion is then converted into circular motion by the crankshaft. this action is quite similar to cycling the pedals of a bicycle. simply, that's how an engine works.

As mentioned earlier, solids will expand when heat is applied. since fuel combustion produces heat , some form of cooling is needed to prevent the engine parts from expanding too much. we really don't want the engine to overheat. if, let's say the pistons expand too much, they will be jammed/stuck in the cylinder and put the engine to a halt.

A means of cooling down the engine is by allowing water or coolant fluid to pass through the engine construction. this will draw the heat away from the engine. the component responsible for this is the radiator.

As the fluid passes through the engine, it will take some of the heat away from the engine. it will then flow out of the engine hotter than when it entered. this hot fluid will then be cooled down by the fan or ram air (flow of air that you get when the car moves forward). there is a pump sumwhere to ensure continuous flow of fluid. this is how engine temperature is regulated.

Let's take a look at the path of water/coolant inside the engine. first, here's a simple construction of the engine.

Let's call these two parts head and block. cylindrical holes are made to make way for pistons to be fitted in. these holes are the space where fuel is burnt and piston heads reciprocate. you can call it combustion chamber or cylinder, if u like.

More holes are made inside the engine block and head. these are the channels where water/coolant flows in/out from/to the radiator. to make sure that ther'll be no leaks when all of these holes meet, a gasket is fixed in between block and head. the gasket is made of material softer than the block/head. when they're assembled together, the gasket will be sandwiched, deforms and comforms to the shape of block/head, hence forming a tight seal. now, water can flow through its channel, isolated from the combustion chamber.

In a long journey, the last thing that you want to know about your car is an empty/dried radiator. that is because of the nasty things that will happen when the engine overheats. however, if somehow the engine does overheat, there is still a little hope for you to continue your journey, provided that you don't do the don'ts.

When you find out that the temperature indicator on your dashboard shows an unusually high temperature, stop at the nearest place where you can find water. if the dial is way off the scale, just pull over and stop immediately. (be sure to be safe. try not to stay in the car, off the road. some drunk or sleepy driver might just crash his trailer into your car).

Wait for the engine to cool down before you open that radiator cap. not only because it's hot, but also because very hot steam and water might just gush out and injure you. you might wanna wait long enough for your engine to cool down before trying to add water and attempt to start the engine.

Here is the worst case scenario. due to overheat, engine parts expand more than usual. this might cause engine head to warp or bend, forming a gap in that head-gasket-block sandwich.

If the gap is there when the engine is started, instead of having an isolated flow, water from the radiatior might flow into the combustion chamber since the channels are no longer tightly sealed. when this happens, you're done. the engine needs an overhaul before it can function again. not only it will majorly affect your journey, it's gonna cost you a bomb for the overhaul too.

Water, essential to life. scientists have been searching extensively for its presence in Mars. yet, it is the last thing that you wanna find in the combustion chamber. so, before starting a long journey, do make sure that the radiator has water in it. if there are any faulty parts or leaks in the radiator, it is a much better idea to have it repaired than having the engine overhauled. seriously, it will cost you a bomb.

I'd rather buy a tablet PC with that cash, or give it to charity, or have some lamb shawarma (perhaps with cheese).

Friday, June 25, 2010


let's test your abilty to imagine.

visualise a pen,
on a piece of A4-sized paper.
not that hard, right.

now, let's take it to another level.
imagine a fly,
pretending to be dead,
laying on its side on a wooden table.
you don't see that everyday, i suppose.

alrite, now let's try sumthing harder.

picture yourself hanging out with your frens, watching a football match at a coffee shop one fine night.

match is over, you've had enuff chats and laughs. its getting really late. time to go home.

paid d bill of your food n that unfinished ice tea, say goodbyes n walk towards your car parked 2 blocks away because that was the nearest empty parking space when you arrived earlier. dodgy, this time around.

your mind is already at home, cant wait to sleep.

suddenly, 2 men came from nowhere, one man placing a knife just one inch away from your throat and the other one instructed you to give him all your money. tough luck, most of your cash and also your ATM card are in your other wallet at home. disappointed, he just made a slash and they casually left. must be amateurs, or desperate, or mentally disturbed.

too dizzy to walk, can't scream. the night just gets colder. you start to flashback on all of the memories you've ever had in your life.
how you wish you could've spent just a while longer and say a proper final goodbye to your friends.
you wish you could've finished that ice tea.
you wish you could've told your parents that you love them but have never sed it.
you wish that u can still see tomorrow;
to know that you've just woken up from a bad dream,
to appreciate other people more, just to see if they'll treat you differently,
to make the most of it,
to be more prepared to face death.

but its all too late now.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Terus dan Terurus



salam sejahtera.

celaka pengganas yahudi,
celaka pihak yang sukarela mendukung pengganas yahudi.

walaupun sedikit, masih lagi
tak semua yahudi pengganas,
tak semua yahudi kafir,
tak semua yahudi binatang.

yang pasti, sekarang ni dah jelas, siapa yang pengganas, siapa yang tertindas. akal seorang kanak-kanak yang baru mumayyiz pun boleh memahami bahawa askar-askar lengkap bersenapang menyerang insan-insan tak bersenjata itu zalim. tak perlu lagi rasanye nak hurai panjang lebar tentang manusia berjantung syaitan ni. hal yang lebih relevan ialah apa tindakan kita seterusnya.

alangkah mudahnya kalau kita boleh selesa dengan berita macam ni seakan-akan ia seperti gosip-gosip liar artis; keratan akhbar tu jadi lapik kupas bawang di keesokan hari. tidak, mungkin itu langsung bukan langkah yang ideal.
insiden serangan komando israel terhadap kapal aktivis ke palestin, Mavi Marmara, dan penahanan kapal Rachel Corrie jelas adalah pencabulan hak dan undang-undang. ni bukan lagi konflik antara pegangan agama semata-mata, ini adalah kezaliman terhadap kemanusiaan sejagat.

namun, apakah tiap kali hal-hal sebegini terjadi, kita hanya berteriak marah seminggu dua, kemudian kembali seperti sedia kala. adakah cukup sesuatu perjuangan itu dengan hanya berbekalkan semangat? bukankah perjuangan itu - perjuangan apapun - harusnya disertakan ilmu (dan perancangan dan tindakan dan doa dan sebagainya). lebih penting, bukankah perjuangan itu memerlukan ketekalan; istiqamah? ayuh saling memperingat:

Daripada Aisyah r.a bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

“Tingkatkanlah amalanmu dengan baik, atau lebih dekatlah kepada kebaikan, dan bergembiralah, kerana amalan seseorang itu tidak dapat memasukkannya ke dalam syurga.

Para sahabat bertanya, “Adakah amalanmu juga begitu, wahai Rasulullah”?

Jawab Rasulullah SAW: “Amalanku juga begitu. Tetapi Allah melimpahiku dengan rahmat-Nya.

Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya amalan yang paling disukai oleh Allah SWT ialah amalan yang dikerjakan secara berterusan walaupun sedikit”.

(hadith riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

ayuh bingkas

ayuh ikhlas
ayuh berilmu
ayuh beristiqamah